Our Fam

Our Fam

Saturday, September 24, 2011

We Have a Betty White On Our Hands

I know everyone has seen this Snickers commercial by now. You know, the one where Betty White is playing football and she is in a foul mood, but after a Snickers the "cool" friend returns.

Dylan is Betty White! That's now our code name for Dylan when he needs food immediately. Betty White surfaced this afternoon as we were leaving a birthday party at Jambo. Now let me share some of the fun we had at Jambo first. :) It was Dylan's friend, Ava's 3rd birthday. Jambo is an indoor amusement park with cute little rides for the kiddos. Dylan was so excited to try out all the rides that he only ate half of a cupcake.

He swore that he wasn't hungry at all. Now, I've tried to trick him in the past, but in a situation like this...we just have to go with it. Before and after this healthy little snack he played on the rides.

He's very serious on these rides then when he gets off, he jumps up and down with great enthusiasm. While Dylan rode rides and Mom took pictures, Ava was Daddy's girl.

So after a fun afternoon, Dylan totally loses it on the way to the car that lasts half of our drive home. It's funny though, after a bag of Teddy Grahams (thanks to the goody bag) our Betty White turns back into Dylan. It's funny how he switches so fast!

Now that the kiddos are napping, it is time for Randy and I to soak up the free time. You never know when it will end. :)

After naptime we have to head to the pet store for supplies to begin behavior modification of the pooping cat. It's always the boys that cause the trouble! :)

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