Our Fam

Our Fam

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The day started at 4am

My day started bright and early at 4am with the cry of Ava wanting to be fed. Now she gets up every night around this time so that I'm used to. What I'm not used to are all of the events that followed. As I was feeding Ava, I see my diagnosed "obese" cat Maxim sniffing around and "cleaning" different areas around the room. Since July, our month of endless travels, Maxim has grown to pooping on the ground in this room maybe once or twice a week. So, as he is sniffing around I'm whisper yelling at him not to poop. He then meows back at me in what I'm sure means, "I'm going to do whatever I want!" After Ava is finished, she squeals with excitement to let me know that she doesn't want to go back to sleep. Well, that's not going to happen! I put her back in her crib, say goodnight and close the door. Next step...find the poop I know is sitting somewhere. I turn on the kitchen light and sure enough, Max did it again. So...now it is almost 4:30am and I'm chasing the cat around with a squirt bottle filled with water whisper yelling yet again that he doesn't get to poop in the house! Yay...time to go back to bed!
The pooper!

More squeals come through the monitor at 5am letting me know that Ava still doesn't want to sleep. I go turn down her fan and inform her it is too early to get up. I then lower the volume on the monitor so her squeals aren't in stereo. Dylan wakes up at 5:45, but luckly he has been trained on how to turn the tv on my himself. That doesn't stop him from coming in to use our bathroom and calling out for help. By 6:45am I am now up ready to tackle getting Dylan ready for school...thankfully Ava is asleep! Dylan was in a wonderful mood and even kissed me good morning. Then....he flipped the switch. Next thing I know he is unpacking my SD bag and chucking the items across the room. Not in a fun way mind you, but with aggressive force. He threw my heels and that's when we ended that fun game. He continued this lovely attitude in his room while I went to make his lunch. Surprise! Chloe left a hairball in the kitchen!

The puker!

Finally, time to find that sweet boy I know is somewhere inside of him. We were able to leave for school at 7:45 in a positive mood. Whew!

So by 7:45am, I already needed the gym! Now time to wait for my window. It opened just before 9am and off Ava and I went. A wonderful hour of sweat always makes me feel better. Even though the energy wasn't bursting out of me, I still managed to do quite well.

Ava decided to take a 15 min. nap in the Child Watch which means she feels she is good on the nap thing for the rest of the morning. Argh! Thankfully, she shows me the happy side and we get to play.

As she begins to remember how tired she is, I decide we're leaving a little early to pick up Dylan because I need a little therapy...STARBUCKS! I geared up, ready for whichever Dylan was going to greet me at school. I had gummy bears at home as a reward/bribe for a good attitude and behavior. He lost one of the two possible treats, but in the end showed me his loveable side.

I got in trouble for this picture so there was no way to get one of his face. :)

 Now...everyone is asleep and I'm going to enjoy the peace! And to think...this is just the first half of my day.

P.S. I was finishing up with the pictures and Dylan just woke up after only 45min. This is going to be a long afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this!! Man, you have your hands full! I remember what it was like when Noah was 2.5 and Caleb was just born. It was tough, but luckily for me, Noah's not my firecracker, Caleb is. Man, reading this brought me back to the days where I was waking up at 4AM too! ;)
