Our Fam

Our Fam

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It Was a Zoo Day!

Dylan LOVES the zoo! So lucky for him, we had a birthday party at the Phoenix Zoo today. We've been going or hosting birthday parties every weekend since the last weekend of February and this was the finale. What a way to end the season. :) Well...not a complete end, but a break. ;)

The party didn't start until 10:30am so we met up with our friends, the birthday boy's fam, beforehand to see some of the animals. Strapped with a fully loaded double stroller

we headed to the giraffes first while Ava hung out in the stroller eating her breakfast. We wove through the paths heading toward the children's area. Dylan found this climbing area he loved!

 Ran hung out with Ava...

The party was in this great covered area that overlooked the duck/turtle pond and the monkey island.

Birthday boy, David, and his family!
We ate pizza and played in this nice breezy area. The kiddos made monkey visors then did the traditional birthday celebratory things. :)

David, Dylan and Cameron

Dylan and Christine opening their goody bags!

Dylan got the polar bear!
What was Ava doing during all of this?

She was being social. :)

Our last stop was a little ride on the carousel. Ava watched while Dylan and Randy tried it out. Last time Dylan tried a carousel, he was so serious!

August 2011

Today...March 2012
It's amazing how much these kiddos change! I think this kid is ready for Disney! :)

All the kiddos from the party were also on the carousel, but I only got Michelle and Christine. Oh wait...you can see the birthday boy family in the background. :)

Again, what was Ava doing? Well she had just woken up from a snooze on Randy so she was waving at all of our friends. :)

When we got home, everyone crashed! Eventhough both kids fell asleep in the car, they still went down for 3 hour naps! Dylan even chose to go straight to bed from the car. This is very rare!

So by 5pm, everyone was rested but still lagging from our fun-filled sunny zoo day. We need to do this more often!

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