Our Fam

Our Fam

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dylan wraps up our month of birthdays!

He was the last of the March birthdays and I think we went out with a bang! :) Yesterday Grammy and I took Dylan to see his first movie in a movie theater, The Lorax. Ava was napping with a sitter so we had no worries regarding her. :) We were lucky to have a nice size group of friends join us in the fun.

He did such a good job! He sat very still and was into the movie for the first hour. After that, he needed a little encouragement, my lap and some stand-up time. Overall though, the movie was successful. 

After all of the grandparents got in town, it was time to open presents. He has been waiting to open presents for weeks now. We've been to so many birthday parties that he was ready for his own presents. :)

"I'm going to play with this everyday!"

After getting a hockey helmet, he wore it while opening the rest of his gifts. LOL!

The trampoline is going to be great for hot summers and cold winters! Thanks Oma and Opa!

Today was Dylan's birthday party!! Being that today is the best Irish day of the year, St. Patrick's Day, we had to really go big with Dylan's party! It also had to be different from Ava's party since that was last weekend. We started by renting a bounce house to keep the kids occupied. :)

The kiddos seemd to be having a good time!

I also had a bunch of eats for the kiddos and the adults. :)

All of the sweets plus an adult beverage. ;)

We also had real food including Subway sandwich, chips & salsa and my favorite Pinterest party day discovery...
Fruit Rainbow!
My rainbow had double the amount of fruit!! I love this idea!

Dylan went to bed late last night so he had waves of pure happiness and times of emotion. When it was time for cake...he was ready. He needed a sugar pick-me-up!

A little later, we had the happy Dylan back opening up his gifts!

This could be a weapon against Ava.

Hockey/bike pads!
Before everyone left, Dylan decided to dress in full hockey gear!

Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate with us! Dylan had a wonderful birthday!!

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