Our Fam

Our Fam

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Very Busy Morning!

The race is over and I'm feeling pretty good! It is now 3pm and this is the first time I've been able to sit down and relax all day! It would have been wonderful to be able to lounge after the race, but between two busy kiddos and a birthday party, resting was going to have to wait.
Or maybe a birthday cupcake in my case. ;)

So how did the run go? Let me back it up for you...

I got a phone call this morning at 6:30am. My friend that was sick decided that she felt well enough to go for it. Yay! I have a buddy again!

It was FREEZING this morning! Some of the hardcore runners wore tanks and shorts. Me...not so much. I think it's funny to watch the macho guys take off like a rocket at the beginning. Then as the race proceeds, these guys crap out. I had a few of these types around me. Two got hurt by mile 2 and a third was walking at around 2 1/2 miles. The walker even decided to hurdle a cone right before walking. Don't they know that slow and steady wins the race. Ok...maybe not wins the race, but at least finishes the race right?! I already know that the guys that have about 5% body fat wearing only shorts, shoes and hat and position themselves at the front will be the actual race winners. ;)

Guys like this right?

The first mile was the hardest in my opinion. This was the warm-up mile where I have to find my stride. I did have to laugh when I saw one of the trainers from my gym on the sidewalk ringing a cowbell for encouragement right around the one mile marker. :) Overall, I believe I ran the first three miles at my regular pace. I stayed around a group of four men. As we all started to put a little more space between us, I think I chose the wrong runner to use as a pacer. I realized this when I passed the mile five marker, Taio came on (Dynomite song) and I took off. I dusted the guy for the remainder of the race. Taio, Enrique Iglesias and LMFAO brought me in for the finish.

When I hear "Party Rock" on my playlist I know I am almost there. I got a little ansy at the end. I was ready to be done. :)

I was pretty pleased for my first time. I ran a little slower than I have been around the neighborhood. I thought I was on pace, but I don't have a watch or anything to check up on me. Oh well. I still ran the race with a 10:30 minute mile. The event clock said 1:05 when I crossed, but I definitely was not at the front of the pack so we'll see what the results say once they're posted. :)

My friend came in after me and we enjoyed the post-race goodies.

This is something I definitely want to do again. My goal for next time is to run it under 1 hour. This should be no problem since I wasn't too far off this time.

So why did I have to wait until 3:00 to rest? We had a birthday party of course!  The fam headed to our friend, Ethan's, house for his 1st birthday party. I got Ava gussied up, Dylan went with the hockey/baseball theme and we all had a good time.
She was running towards the camera. :)

Now it is naptime so Team Krekeler is taking a break. Aaaahhhh!

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