It was an early morning at 6:30am, but an easy morning. My mom came over at 8am with liquid energy and I had a wonderful breakfast!
My favorite...a breakfast burrito with onion and cheese. The best part is the avocado! I will add avocado to almost anything. :)
It's been a few days since I checked in. We've been a busy group. For starters, I know you are on pins and needles wondering if Maxim behaved after being released from jail. ;) Well, I wish I could say he's been cured, but unfortunately it is going to be a bit more challenging with this one. His first night out, Maxim did awesome. I was feeling good, but afraid to be too confident. The second night, Maxim went back to his old ways. The worst part about this is that I grazed it with my toe when I was putting Ava back to bed after a 4:30am feed. GROSS!!! He's now spending the nights back in the bathroom while we devise a new plan. Friday I had a return of the pooping cat, however, I felt like I was back to myself...the tired mom with two kids instead of the "feel like I'm about to die" mom with two kids. :)
On Friday night, Dylan's school had their first "Movie Night" out on the grass. They were showing Monster's Inc.
Now, the chances of Dylan actually sitting and watching the movie was pretty rare. :) We went anyway because it was a free family event that was only 2 min. away. Pretty good don't you think?! Dylan ended up playing with his friends on the playground supervised by Randy while Ava and I hung out on the blanket. It was fun. :)
Yesterday afternoon my mom drove out to visit us. :)
Randy and I were invited to a Halloween party about a month ago so I immediately called Mom to see if she wanted to visit. ;) Now that she is retired, she said she is always available for babysitting. Love it! We had a free babysitter and the kiddos get to see their Grammy. Win Win!
Getting dressed up for the party was fun!
Dylan wanted to get in with the fun! |
I haven't gotten decked out in a costume for awhile so I enjoyed breaking out the dark makeup and fake blood. I did have to go to Target (my favorite place) earlier in the day to buy booty shorts to go under my shirt/dress. It was short!! I think it would've been a bit breezy without the shorts. I even painted my nails, but they got all jacked up while they were drying.
Randy said that a serial killer doesn't have perfect nails. True statement, but I would've like to keep them for awhile.
Dylan's eyes got so big when he saw us! My mom kept him away until we were just about done. Ava wouldn't kiss me goodbye, but she regretted that decision later when she going to bed.
Our friends do such a great job with their Halloween parties. This is the 2nd year we've gone and it gets more and more fun. This year I got to drink because I wasn't preggo!
Ladies of the mom's group. Don't you love the preggo pumpkin belly?! |
Randy's arm was twisted to play a little flip cup.
We were a great team back in VA, but haven't played since. Randy's skills came right back to him. :)
It was a fun night! So glad to have Mom babysitting because there wasn't any clockwatching. When we have a paid babysitter I'm usually checking my phone and the clock to make sure we don't stay out too late. When you begin the night knowing that it will cost at least $40-$50 for a sitter, it just changes the mood.
Now we're headed to Tolmachoff Farms for a pumpkin picking among many other fun activities! Have a great Sunday! Hopefully all you fantasy players have your rosters set! :)