Our Fam

Our Fam

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our Busy Social Calendar ;)

We've had a busy social calendar this last week. In one week Randy has gone out-of-town for work, Grammy came to visit, we had a playdate, we had a birthday party, Randy and I got date night then I got a ladies' night with my fellow mommies. Whew! In between all of these fun activities, I have been party planning for both Ava and Dylan's birthday parties. Their birthdays are seven days apart which means that I will be in this party-planning mode every year at this time. :)

It was nice having my mom in town because she is always so much help with the kids as well as being a partner in crime with my crafty endeavors. :) The focus this time was kiddo birthday parties. With Ava's party on March 11th and Dylan's on March 17th, I needed to get some things ordered to make sure I had everything here on time. The dates snuck up on me! So...first I ordered the invites...

I used Pampers points and got 30 of the invites for free! I just had to pay shipping. The remaining 10 invites, I used a $10 off voucher that Shutterfly gave me for posting Ava's invite on my blog. This means that I got some great invites for very little money! Couponing works for everything!!

Next, I got on Etsy and began looking for ideas. This is what really got me going! I ended up ordering birthday shirts for both kids! Ava got two shirts because Dylan's party is on St. Paddy's Day so she needed a shirt for that too! The shirts are scheduled to ship on Monday. I can't wait to see them!

As for party favors, Dylan's goody bags are easy! I'm having so much fun with all of the St. Paddy's stuff! Our house is going to be so festive! I can't wait!

Ava's party planning is fun a different way. We (my mom and I) got a bit crafty with her goody bags.

I still have to add the ribbons to cinch it up. My mom did most of the sewing, but I cut and ironed some seams. :)

We had most of our projects done by Friday when Randy came home from his work trip. My mom babysat the kids so that we could do date night! We didn't leave until after the kids went to bed because they needed some daddy time with Randy being gone for a few days. Since Ran and I got a late start, we just went to dinner. It was so nice to just be out with the hubs, eating good food and chatting. Of course, I had a margarita to mark the occasion. ;)

Saturday was party time! Dylan had two friends that were having their birthday parties together at Walton Park. It is such a great park! This was the scene the day before as I was trying to get a picture of the kids for the birthday cards.
 Hee Hee. :)

My mom took a family pic before we left for the party. This doesn't happen too often. :)

Don't you love messy cupcake pics?

What I loved about this celebration was that both Dylan and Ava wanted Randy more than me! It was so cute watching them hang all over him!
Randy was in the middle of protesting the pic. :) But, I had to post to share Ava's red shoes. Her new love!

She was holding onto his shorts. :)

Ava wanted to join the party.
The kiddos had so much fun running around, this was the scene when we got home. :)

Love it!!

Later that night, it was time for us ladies to go out! A friend picked most of us up and we went to the hot spot, Chili's. ;) We had a great time drinking margaritas, chatting and laughing. I even got to meet the newest addition to our group, baby Crew.

Now it's Sunday and we're still going. Dylan played a little dress-up this morning.

Dipping into the b-day goody bag

Randy's helicopter helmet :)

It is time to head to the hockey rink for a little ice skating. I tried to stay home with Ava, but Dylan informed me that wasn't happening. Shucks! Ava is a lot to handle at the rink, oh well.

Have a great Sunday!

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