Our Fam

Our Fam

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Let's Get Creative!

It has been a good week; challenging at times, but good. :)

Randy left for a work trip in TN on Monday and my mom drove in from San Diego on the same day. This swap always helps with the kiddos. Gotta love Grammy! :)

Dylan usually does pretty well when Randy leaves, however, it has been a while since he has been on a week long trip. Randy and Dylan have become such buddies

that this trip was a bit harder on the boy. In addition to the length of the trip, we also dropped Randy off at the airport instead of him simply leaving for work in the morning and not returning until the next day. So...there were some emotional situations this week. Having my mom here was very helpful because somehow I was able to remain more calm during these tantrums. She also supplied wine and ice cream. Who can argue with that? :) So...while I was working through the kiddo things this week, I came across two articles on Facebook that seemed very appropriate.

This is a stay-at-home mom does all day

Your Children Want YOU!

In addition to kiddo fun, with my mom here, we have had a week worth of crafting. We hit a couple fabric stores and Hobby Lobby, one of my favorites. My mom has made Ava a couple dresses and has plans for more, which is where the fabric store came into play. We had to pick out fabric right? I'm so excited to see what all the finished products look like...there are quite a few. :)

I brought out my multiple boxes of ribbon and I do have A LOT of ribbon. :) I made bows for a friend as well as plenty for Ava.

These are for Ava! The two twins are for pigtails!
Ribbon was 50% off at Hobby Lobby so I got a little excited.

I also decided to try something new. I want to learn to sew so that I can make Ava cute dresses too. I decided to make a "jelly roll" quilt to practice my skills. It is a bunch of 2-inch strips of fabric rolled together. All I had to do was sew all the ends together to make one long strip.

This is one strip...I just need to stretch it out.
Then fold the long strip in half and sew the side seams. This is repeated until it is a lap quilt. Pretty easy! The great part is that I got to practice my sewing without doing much cutting at all!

To top off all of the fun, my introductory kit from Thirty-One showed up today!

Yipee! I love this bag line and decided to be a consultant and sell them myself. I already have a couple parties lined up and I'm excited to get started. I wanted to be able to earn some money, but wasn't ready to go back to work full time. This gives me the opportunity to spend time with adults, sell/buy cute bags and provide some extra money for the fam.

What has been nice about this week was instead of feeling rushed or stressed to get so much done, which is how I normally feel, I felt relaxed in being able to have the time to be creative. I also got to be creative with someone instead of on my own. Hey...I'm social, I need a buddy and moms make good buddies. :)

I'll be back on my own during the day next week so I'm sure it will be a whole different scene. :)

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