I had so many plans for today. Nothing too extravagant...laundry, clean up crafting stuff, clean up teaching stuff that has been in the corner for over a year, transfer files to my new laptop and oh, shower. What did I get done from this list? I got two loads of laundry done and started on the teaching pile.
After a 3am screaming wake-up from Ava, I had a tough time falling back to sleep. She is almost done cutting her last molar and it's a killer. I was up at 7:15am with more whimpering coming from her room. This tooth is kicking her butt! She was SOOO whiny this morning that it started turning happy Dylan. Oh no! I can't handle whining and crying from both kids before my coffee! By 8:30am, a walk in the stroller was more than needed.
It is amazing what a little fresh air and the calming movement of the stroller can do to a kid. One point for mommy!
We got home from Ava's morning nap. Dylan and I got some time to play together at which time we also talked about how to get along with Ava once she wakes up. I also had the chance to get started on the teacher pile. I knew Randy would love this! :)
Dylan did a great job with Ava when she got up. We did a little laundry then I rewarded the group with a trip to our favorite frozen yogurt place. Everything is sounding pretty good, right?! Well, in order to not go into great details, let's just say that I only got 15 minutes of "me time". Dylan woke up early and I barely got into Grey's Anatomy. This means I also didn't knock anything off the list. :(
We are very challenged in the afternoon. As dinner gets closer and closer, the mood of my kids takes a digger. So, we were a bit of a roller coaster over here and I was focused on my afternoon coffee. :)
Now let me end my day with most digusting story! WARNING...if you are easily grossed-out, stop here!
After getting the kiddos out of the bath, I let Ava run around naked for about 3 minutes. In that time, I cleaned up the tub toys and sprayed stain remover on her onsie. As I was in the middle of spraying her onsie, she came running towards me with something light brown in her hand and she was putting it up to her mouth. It looked like a wine cork, but then I thought about when I opened a bottle last and realized that wasn't possible. Oh...you know what's coming right? I run up to her and find her holding her own poop! She was smiling and it looked like she tasted it!!! Are you kidding?! She was even upset when I took it from her. I then see that she has left a puddle of pee on the carpet as a little pile of poop. Three minutes?! Really?!
At this point I call out to Randy for help. As he learns what has happened, he is dry-heaving while cleaning up the mess. I scoop up Ava horizantally to go clean her in the bathroom. Well, running through the doorway carrying your child horizantally is NOT a good idea. Yes, I ran her head into the doorway. So, now she is screaming, I'm worried about the damage I've caused and I'm trying to clean her poopiness. Yikes! Not only did I have to clean the obvious body parts, but also rebrush her teeth. Yep! I think that was the grossest part! This was far more digusting than the many poop-in-the-tub events Dylan did as a baby! I have to say though, I was in the "mom zone" during all of this. This is the place where you get the job done without physical reaction at the time.
As everyone calmed down and returned to my required level of cleanliness, it was time for her to go to bed. Randy and Dylan decided that a goodnight kiss on the cheek was plenty for tonight. Randy feels that she needs some meals before she is truely clean. :) The boys also decided to spend their quality time together telling Ava poop jokes. Randy even channeled Triumph, the insult comic dog
whose favorite phrase is, "...for me to poop on!" Dylan goes to school tomorrow; am I going to hear about this from his teacher?
So we are now back to normal and the kiddos are in bed. Back to the list. I think I need a glass of wine!
Thanks Billie!
I think this calls for scotch!!! I think we've all experienced similar predicaments at times!! Thanks for the never-ending entertainment your family provides! I remember something similar that you could remind your Uncle Bill about some day!!!