Our Fam

Our Fam

Thursday, January 19, 2012

For the Love of the Gym

Each time we've moved, one of the first places I seek out is a gym. I've always loved the gym! I joined my first gym when I was 14 years old...that was the age the gym began allowing "kids" to join.  Before joining as well as during the early years of my gym career, I danced for the studio, San Diego Dance Centre.  Now at 34, I realize it has been 10 years since I took a class, but it doesn't feel that long. I'm sure if I took a class now, I would look very rusty. :) I love the feeling after I work out. I love the sore muscles when I know that I challenged myself. How could I not also love the results? :)

Not quite me, but she has reddish hair. ;)
 In Hawaii, I met some workout friends while taking classes. Unfortunately for AZ, the class times don't quite work with Ava's morning nap schedule and let's face it, I'm exhausted at night. So, each time we move, Randy always hears the statement...I want to join a gym. In VA, we weren't married yet so I worked out the financials. In Hawaii, there wasn't one close by so I just went to the one on Pearl Harbor for free. It wasn't fancy, but did the job.

Here in AZ, Ran's work pays for our membership to the YMCA as long as we go 8 times a month.

We've been pretty lucky. So the question stands...where will my sweat fall in DC? I'm all ready to do home workouts, but let's face it, there is just something therapeutic about the gym. :)

Now that you understand my love of working out, my goals for a healthier me may make more sense. As I look at my baby pooch in the mirror, I remind myself that it will be gone soon. :)

This week has been a great week at making my workouts! My "weigh-in" day is Thursday. This is the day I can check my progress both on the scale and with the trusty measuring tape.
I chose Thursday because just in case I have a gorging type weekend, it doesn't ruin my check-in day. This gives me at least 3 workout days after the weekend just in case. ;) So how did I do?

I lost 1.5 lbs, almost an inch in the waist and 1/2 inch in the hips. I take more measurements than that, but you get the jist. In total, since I got serious about 3 weeks ago, I've lost 5 lbs, almost 2 inches in the waist, an inch in the hips and almost an inch in the booty. I'm getting there! Just wait, when I do get to DC, I should be at my fighting weight. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Good job, EG! ;) Every time we move, I make sure 2 things are taken care of: the gym, and a school for Noah (and now Caleb next time we move)...where we live comes secondary to all that. Haha!

    We get a great deal for our gym over here; $20/mo for us since we're military...this includes daycare. :) Make sure you ask for that military discount!!
