Our Fam

Our Fam

Friday, January 20, 2012

He's Baaack!

I have this theory that when it comes to 2 year olds, God has a crafty plan. Before my wonderful sweet funny little boy turned two, I thought that I could handle the "terrible twos" no problem.

Sept. 2011

Nov. 2011
 I have now come to realize that there is no way to prepare for the madness until it happens to you. So what is God's crafty plan? He has created an ebb and flow type pattern with the emotions of the kiddo. The sweet cutey pie disappears for a period of time and in its place is this difficult, angry, super emotional child.

It happens out of nowhere! This kid stays around for an unpredictable period of time...could be weeks. About the time I can barely stand it any longer and my patience is shot, the sweet little boy comes back and stays for a little while. It is this back and forth routine that fills up the entire 2-year old year. It's exhausting!

So...my emotional Dylan has come back for a visit this week. We have had such a great time for the past month or so.

He has been easy for the most part. Of course there are the daily challenges that happen regardless, but overall, pretty easy. Then on Monday the switch happened. As I said...it comes out of nowhere!

It has only been a week, but I have to ask...when is my sweet boy coming back? I left him in his room screaming like a crazy animal for his nap this afternoon. We usually enjoy lying together on the bed reading a book while Ava is the destruct-or in his room. :) I miss that!

I don't know how long this emotional child will be staying, but until then I will pray every night for him to return. I will try and workout as much as possible to keep me sane and not turn to my favorite vice of frozen yogurt. I will concentrate on reading a good book at night and enjoying my crafty side in making bows. I will take advantage of every smile, laugh and cuddle he will give me and remind myself that this is a stage and it too will pass. :)

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